Enrolment Form: e-Learning Course
Thank you for your interest in the College.
To apply for an e-learning course please complete the form. You can enrol on one course at a time, once you have completed that course you can apply for another up to a maximum of four courses.
Please do not submit more than one application as doing so will delay your application being processed.
Study is free* as long as:
You currently live in England
You have been resident in the UK for the last 3 years
You are 19 years or over
*Funding for adult programmes has changed. If you live in a devolved area you may have to pay for your programmes(s).
More about funding
Application: All Courses
Thank you for your interest in the College.
Note: If you are completeing an A LEVEL application, please APPLY ONCE, and include all your subject choices in your Personal Statement section.
To complete the Online Application process, you will need the following information (if applicable):
Please be aware that your Online Application will time out after 45 minutes, so please ensure that you have prepared your Personal Statement prior to starting the application.
- At least one contact number (telephone/mobile)
- Personal / Next of Kin Address Details with valid Postcode
- Information on Qualifications with Predicted/Actual Grades and related Dates
- Personal Statement (not required on applications for e-learning courses)
- Reference Details (not required on applications for e-learning courses)
- Date of Entry to the UK, if you have not been a permanent resident in the UK for the past 3 years.
Harlow College is committed to keeping your personal data safe and will act within the latest legislation regarding data protection (General Data Protection Regulation). The data that we collected in this form is used to process and assess your application to Harlow College or for any other legitimate reasons such as compliance with relevant legislation. All data will be stored securely and retained in line with the college Data Protection Policy. We only share this data with your previous school where detailed in your application or where we have a fair & legitimate reason to do so. For learners who will be aged 16-18 at the start of their course we will share your data with your parents/carers and your local authority.
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For full details about how we use your personal data please visit Data Protection pages
To meet the requirements of the data protection legislation please visit LRS Tier 1 Privacy Notice